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Bail Molts
Bail from Notion〈観念からの脱出〉を理念に掲げた“Bail Molts”は、リニアエコノミーからサーキュラーエコノミーへの転換を促すために生まれたブランドです。ビール醸造時に排出されるモルト粕をアップサイクルしたグラノーラを販売しています。
AD, D : 清水彩香
Print : 株式会社羽車
CL : REP inc.
Bail Molts
Bail Molts is a brand with the philosophy of “Bail from Notion" created to promote the shift from a linear economy to a circular economy. They sell granola made by up-cycling malt lees discharged when brewing beer.
It is good for people, good for animals, and good for nature. I designed it with a triangle as its motif, defining it as “Sampo Yoshi (meaning that all three sides benefit)" for the coming era.
People = “delicious” joy and economy
Animals = the environment in which animals live
Nature = CO2 reduction and the effective use of resources
Rather than a definitive conclusion, I think it is more meaningful to pursue a balance between these three and to go through trial and error. In order to portray their preciousness, I made the thought process of continuously thinking in a roundabout manner visible.
For the main packaging, I chose glass bottles. Not only can they be washed and reused many times, but they are also relatively easy to recycle when no longer needed. They do not change even if they are melted repeatedly, and they can be recycled into glass bottles any number of times forever. At the same time, they protect against humidity and prevent aromas from escaping, so they are also excellent in terms of protecting the quality of food.
They can be purchased in plastic bags as well, but as a brand, customers are recommended to purchase them in glass bottles. By having them stop for a moment when making a selection, they are subtly made to take some time to think about the environment. Instead of being forceful about it, the brand communicates in a way that allows them to enjoyably take action for nature through the joy of deliciousness.
Label printing is done by HAGURUMA Co., Ltd., which operates its factory on 100% renewable energy.
The granola products are named Sunrise and Sunset. I used gradation to portray the sunrise and sunset that shine with the beautiful nature of Ise and Shima, where the brand is based.
AD, D : Ayaka Shimizu
Print : HAGURUMA Co., Ltd.
CL : REP inc.