清水彩香 アートディレクター/グラフィックデザイナー


Ayaka Shimizu Art Director / Graphic Designer

Born in 1988. Graduated from Tama Art University Graphic Design Department in 2012. Worked independently in 2017.
When I began working independently, I unconsciously became more and more drawn towards jobs that are related to “nature and health”, “traditional culture of the East”, “social issues”, and “arts and culture”. It was then that I came to see various aspects like the destruction of nature, disappearing traditions, and destabilized society. In our designs, we may end up showing not-so-good things in real life in a good light. Somewhere in a distant country or in a distant time, there are most likely people who are unhappy because of what we have created. I feel responsible in creating designs from within society. And I have realized that such awareness is also important for me to continue designing in a healthy manner, without crushing my own spirit. As I earnestly wish to create only things that are of significance, I would like to continue to discuss in equal footing with the people involved and suggest "a method of printing that has as little environmental burden as possible" from daily accumulated knowledge.