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豊かな自然環境に恵まれた富山県西部は、浄土真宗寺院や加賀藩主・前田家のもと華開いた職人技術が今もなお受け継がれる「ものづくりの国」です。かつて、富山県は南砺に滞在した民藝運動の創始者・柳宗悦は、自然と人がともに作り上げる土地の品格を「土徳(どとく)」と表現しました。“一般社団法人 富山県西部観光社 水と匠”は、そんな富山県西部の持つ自然や職人の技、精神性などの魅力を伝えることをミッションにし、設立されました。
CD : 小池博史
AD, D : 清水彩香
PH : 小島脩
P : 矢口愛子
CL : 一般社団法人 富山県西部観光社 水と匠
Mizu to Takumi
Toyama West is blessed with an abundant natural environment. It is the "craftsmanship country," where artisan techniques flowered under Buddhist temples of the Jodo Shinshu sect and the Maeda clan, the feudal lords of the Kaga Domain. Those artisan techniques are handed down even now. Formerly, Muneyoshi Yanagi, founder of the folk craft movement, stayed in Nanto, Toyama Prefecture. He expressed the land quality created together by nature and man as “Dotoku (virtue of soil)." Mizu to Takumi (Water and Artisans) is a general incorporated association and sightseeing company in Toyama West. The company was incorporated with a mission to communicate the charms possessed by Toyama West, such as its nature, artisan techniques, and spirituality.
The company logo represents a cycle where beautiful and clear water brings about blessings to industry, food, and artisan techniques, and those things return to the Earth. In contrast, I chose an imposing calligraphic style for the company's logotype. The logotype expresses the power possessed by natural features and history. Shu Kojima shot the movie. I edited it under and with Mr. Kojima and selected its music.
CD : Hiroshi Koike
AD, D : Ayaka Shimizu
PH : Shu Kojima
PR : Aiko Yaguchi
CL : ‘Mizu to Takumi’ Toyama West Tourism Promotion Association