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Lab. for E.G.
もっと簡単に = easy もっともっと具体的に = e.g.
そんな想いを込めて。“E”nvironmental Sustainabilityを“G”raphic Designersが学び合うためのLab. 略してLab. for E. G.
PR, P, AD, D : 清水彩香
PH : 松本雅直
Lab. for E.G.
I created Lab. for E.G. and manage it as a platform for graphic designers to think about environmental issues. Based on Instagram, it serves as a place to communicate with graphic designers as well as various people and companies involved in design.
I plan to launch this environmentally sustainability laboratory for graphic designers who deal mainly with printed materials.
Graphic designers engage with packaging, flyers, and other printed materials. In the midst of serious environmental destruction, should we design only with the innocent aspiration of "creating cool designs" or "creating designs that sell"?
Started by me, a graphic designer with such questions, Lab. for E.G. is a space for graphic designers to think about environmental considerations.
Because designers are involved in determining what materials to use in the things that they design, I hope to create a situation where we gain even more knowledge and do not need to compromise in terms of both environmental friendliness and design.
Concrete measures that we can take as consumers and citizens, such as no longer using disposable items and separating garbage, are slowly becoming more widely known. However, what we can do as designers requires a great deal of knowledge and wisdom, and the reality is that it is difficult to obtain specific information.
Born out of a desire for "easy" access to "concrete examples (e.g)," I named the platform Graphic Designers' Laboratory for Environmental Sustainability, or Lab. for E.G. for short.
I hope to create a space where graphic designers, business owners, brand managers, and others involved in making things can share useful information and learn from one another.
PR, P, AD, D : Ayaka Shimizu
PH : Masanao Matsumoto