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東洋古来のハーブとスパイスを使い、「酔う」ことではなく「ととのう」ことを目的に作られたクラフトジン。プロデューサー・堀江麗氏は「『東洋哲学』の魅力を誰もが楽しめる『食体験』という形で届けたい」という想いのもと、ブランドを立ち上げました。蒸留家・山口歩夢氏、バーディレクター・野村空人氏、国際中医薬膳士・塚本紗代子氏、クリエイティブディレクター・大谷省悟氏、編集者・若尾真実氏によって形になったジンは、飲む度にメディテーションのような時間を生み出し、ハーブとスパイスの複雑な香りを堪能することができます。一般的なジンのアルコール度数は40~50度と言われる中、“HOLON GIN ORIGINAL”は35度にまで抑えられました。お酒に弱い人でも香りを薄めすぎることなく楽しめます。
CD : 大谷省悟
CW : 若尾真実
AD, D : 清水彩香
PH : 大矢真梨子
Engineer : 岡本和也
PM : 山田沙也香, 鶴谷昇輝
Print : 株式会社ショウエイ
CL : 株式会社SOMA
A craft gin made using ancient Eastern herbs and spices for those who prefer refined sipping rather than pounding back booze to get drunk. The producer Rei Horie launched this brand under the concept of “delivering the charms of Eastern philosophy through experiencing a beverage that anyone can appreciate and enjoy.”
This gin was created through the collaborative work of distiller Ayumu Yamaguchi, bar director Soran Nomura, international traditional Chinese medicine expert Sayoko Tsukamoto, creative director Shogo Ohtani, and editor Mami Wakao. With every sip, you can enjoy the complex flavors and aromas of herbs and spices for an experience akin to meditation. While the alcohol content is generally between 40-50%, in “HOLON GIN ORIGINAL” it has been lowered to 35% so that even those who are not so strong when it comes to alcohol can enjoy it without diluting the aroma too much. This gin was conceived out of the blessings of nature and a foundation of Eastern thought. Inspired by its plethora of aromas, the bottle label design was pulled from the beautiful colors of nature. Its mixed gradation of colors is also an “affirmation of ambiguity”, one of the underlying concepts of “HOLON”.
Label printing is done by SHOEI Co., Ltd. All ink used for printing is specifically NON-VOC ink. Petroleum-based solvents that generate VOCs (volatile organic compounds) were almost never used, as these harmful substances carry a high risk of causing air pollution. CO2 emissions from printing are also reduced by 100%.
For paper, FSC-certified paper is selected. Pulp is used from forests where management and logging are conducted with concern for the environment and regional community.
CD : Shogo Ohtani
CW : Mami Wakao
AD,D : Ayaka Shimizu
PH : Mariko Ohya
Engineer : Kazuya Okamoto
PM : Sayaka Yamada, Nobuteru Tsurugai
Print : SHOEI INC.
CL : SOMA, inc.