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Umi to Taico
香川県は庵治半島。古くから、瀬戸内海の恵みである漁業と、イサムノグチなどの著名なアーティストからも愛されてきた豊富な石材で知られてきた場所です。その東に突き出た小さな半島「太鼓の鼻」に位置するキャンプ場“Umi to Taico”は、三方が山に囲まれ、目の前には瀬戸内海が広がります。
サインは可能な限り、庵治周辺の伝統工芸や、地元の産業に頼りました。ルームナンバーには、世界で一番硬い石材として名高い庵治石の廃材を利用。カフェの提灯は、讃岐提灯です。暖簾は、庵治で様々な布を生産する中商事の余った布を使い、AJI CIRCULAR PARKにて仕立てていただきました。
PL : 株式会社イースト
AD, D : 清水彩香
Web Designer : 福田晋也
PH : 田中美句登
Camp Coordinator : 牛尾健
讃岐提灯制作 : 有限会社三好提灯店
庵治石サイン制作 : 株式会社蒼島
CL : 株式会社イースト
Umi to Taico
Kagawa Prefecture’s Aji Peninsula has long been known for its bountiful blessings from the Seto Inland Sea, including a thriving fishing industry, and for its abundant stone materials loved by renowned artists such as Isamu Noguchi. Located on the small peninsula “Taiko no Hana,” which juts out to the east, the campsite “Umi to Taico” is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with the Seto Inland Sea stretching out before it.
The campsite offers more than just nature to experience: there’s a café serving dishes made from local ingredients, seaside BBQs, saunas, stand-up paddleboarding on the calm Seto Inland Sea, and various workshops related to the natural environment. One example is a former puddle on the premises that had turned into waste collection point. Thanks to the “Earth Regeneration” workshop, with the help of local residents, it was transformed into a pristine stream connecting to the sea. “Earth Regeneration” is an environmental restoration method focusing on the flow of water and air, which are like the veins of the earth.
With the Seto Inland Sea in view and the open sky and sea beautifully illuminated by sunlight, the logo was designed to represent a place where people gather and harmonize with nature.
The signage incorporates the traditional crafts and local industries of the Aji area as much as possible. Room numbers use waste materials from Aji stone, renowned as the hardest stone in the world. The café’s lanterns are made with Sanuki lantern techniques. The noren (traditional fabric dividers) were crafted from surplus fabrics produced by Nakashoji, a local Aji-based textile company, and tailored at AJI CIRCULAR PARK.
The photographer, Miku Tanaka, born and based in Takamatsu, is deeply familiar with the area, and outdoor equipment coordination was handled by Ken Ushio, a professional outdoor guide in Shikoku.
PL : EAST Inc.
AD, D : Ayaka Shimizu
Web Designer : Shinya Fukuda
PH : Mikuto Tanaka
Camp Coordinator : Takeshi Ushio
Aji Stone Signage Product : Aoishima Inc.
Sanuki Lantern Product : Miyoshi Chochin Shoten
CL : EAST Inc.