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アーティスト・井澤由花子氏の個展がギャラリー椿にて開催されました。展覧会名の“THE UTERUS”は「子宮」という意味です。
Art : 井澤由花子
D : 清水彩香
Print(ポスター) : 株式会社ショウエイ
Print(スカーフ) : HappyPrinters
A solo exhibition by artist Yukako Izawa named “THE UTERUS” was held at Gallery Tsubaki.
Drawing on her experience of childbirth, she illustrates the scene that a child would see in the womb. Even though I do not have any concrete memories associated with it, this picture reminds me of scenes from my childhood and makes me feel nostalgic for some reason. The picture shows very clear, crisp air, despite the high humidity. In it, a silent wind blows, and the water shimmering on the ground is at just the right temperature as it ripples with the heartbeat’s rhythm. When I look at it, I get the illusion that there exists a wide, deep place different from this world and unreachable by human intelligence, and in which I could get lost.
Its logo was designed with the image of a prototype of life growing, swaying, in water. The design was completed by applying silver treatment to the paper, which is thin enough to make the picture underneath visible, reminding viewers of the surface of water, reflecting light, and attaching it directly to the poster.
I also designed a scarf as a merchandise for the exhibition.
Art : Yukako Izawa
D : Ayaka Shimizu
Print(Poster) : SHOEI INC.
Print(Skerf) : HappyPrinters