Nature & Health
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jewelry from earth
jewelry from earth – pooploop edition
21_21 DESIGN SIGHTにて、2024年9月27日~2025年2月16日まで開催の企画展「ゴミうんち展」。参加作家のひとりである彫刻家・井原宏蕗氏が制作するジュエリー“jewelry from earth”は、展覧会開催期間中、ミュージアムショップにて販売されます。
Art : 井原宏蕗
D : 清水彩香
Box Product : 株式会社竹尾, 栗原紙材株式会社
jewelry from earth
jewelry from earth – pooploop edition
The exhibition “pooploop” will be held at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT from September 27, 2024, to February 16, 2025.
During the exhibition period, the museum shop will feature "jewelry from earth", a collection created by one of the participating artists, Koro Ihara, sculptor. The pendant tops are made from worm castings, which are not only excrement but also clumps of soil expelled by earthworms from underground. Since they are composed of soil, they can be fired to retain their natural shape and transform into ceramics. The golden shine on their surface is created using real gold. Interestingly, while gold is highly valuable and worm castings might seem ordinary, both share a common origin in the earth. This jewelry represents an attempt to blend traces of living organisms into our daily lives, encouraging moments of appreciation for shapes created by nature.
The unique packaging for this jewelry is crafted using pulp molding made from bamboo paper. Bamboo has long been a traditional and essential plant for Japanese people, but in recent years, its consumption has decreased, disrupting the natural cycle of bamboo groves and making their disposal a challenge.
The packaging also incorporates Nostoc commune, a cyanobacterium that has existed for 2.7 billion years. Nostoc commune is credited with contributing to the earth's oxygenated atmosphere through photosynthesis, laying the foundation for today’s environment. It exhibits remarkable resistance to desiccation, entering dormancy when dry and resuming biological activity in favorable, moist conditions. This means the packaging has the potential to photosynthesize and may eventually return to the natural cycle in a few years.
The jewelry embodies the connection between the earth’s cycles, represented by the soil recycling performed by earthworms, and the atmospheric cycles driven by Nostoc commune. Each piece is imbued with the hope that wearers will reflect on these interconnections while appreciating the unique beauty of the work.
Art : Koro Ihara
D : Ayaka Shimizu