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21_21 DESIGN SIGHTにて、2024年9月27日~2025年2月16日まで開催の企画展「ゴミうんち展」に参加。これまで、グラフィックデザイナーの視点で環境問題を見つめ、リサーチしてきたことと、いちグラフィックデザイナーとしての日々の葛藤を、言葉と写真に託した作品を発表しました。
Caption :
清水はパッケージを主軸としたデザイナーという立場から、特にグラフィックデザインの領域において納得できる選択や方針を見つけるために、Instagramアカウント「Lab. for E.G.」を通し、希望者を募って工場見学を実施したり、それをまとめたりしながら、知見を深めています。正解の見えにくい、しかし決して避けては通れない、クリエイターにおけるゴミ問題。彼女のリサーチレポートは、会期中も少しずつ更新されていきます。
Statement :
D : 清水彩香
PH : 松本雅直
制作協力 : 高橋真美
Graphic Designers and Environmental Issues
I participated in the exhibition “pooploop” held at 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT from September 27, 2024, to February 16, 2025. In this exhibition, I presented works that reflect on environmental issues from the perspective of a graphic designer, along with her daily struggles as a designer, expressed through words and photographs.
Caption :
“Plastic is evil, paper is good!” This is one of the stereotype of our conversation when it comes to the waste problems. But are matters really that simple?
Shimizu’s main business is package design. She has set out to deepen awareness of the issues involved in order to assist in making responsible decisions and policies for her profession. Shimizu also does this by organizing tours to visit recycling facilities with people expressing interest in this field, which she summarizes on her Instagram account "Lab. for E.G." Shimizu shows that while the answers to waste issues may be elusive, they are unavoidable for designers. Her research reports will be updated as the exhibition progresses.
Statement :
The vocation of graphic designer, which I chose to serve people other than myself, is made possible by a host of social issues. As I embrace the contradictions and learn from them, I feel I want to continue in this field a little longer, even if my small creative efforts are nothing against global environmental issues.